is a database that helps people do research on vessels. It tells you which books, journals, websites, databases, and more, mention the ships you're researching. The free database has over 150,000 citations in it, and the subscription database has over 3.3M citations, with several hundred thousand to be added soon.

The database is used by historians, researchers, genealogists, students, and the curious. Individuals can subscribe to fixed-time subscriptions to the database, from two weeks to a year, while institutions can subscribe for IP-based access to the database from across the institution. All CAMM institutions can arrange free access to the database for anyone at their institution.

In addition, sells three foldout laminated guides to Tall Ships, Naval Ships, and Merchant Ships. Each one is a 12-panel, folded, laminated introduction to each of those types of ships. Each guide is $7.95; a set of all three is $19.95.

Peter McCracken, F’91


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